[USA] Maine voters reject planned $1 billion transmission line, developer files lawsuit

On November 2, 2021, 59% of Maine voters approved an initiative, known as Question 1, to prohibit the construction of the New England Clean Energy Connect (NECEC) project.[1] The NECEC is a proposed transmission line developed by Avangrid to bring 9.45 million MWh of hydroelectric power from Hydro-Québec in Canada through Maine and into Massachusetts, helping both states meet their clean energy targets. The line would account for about 8% of the electricity used in New England. While the NECEC has support from clean energy advocates and the Biden administration, it has received backlash from many stakeholders. Competing energy companies argue that the transmission line will reduce energy and capacity prices in ISO-NE. Conservation groups, Canadian First Nations, and some state legislators say it could harm wildlife, tourism, and views in Maine.

In response to the vote, NECEC Transmission and Avangrid Networks, subsidiaries of Avangrid, filed a lawsuit in the Maine Superior Court on November 3, 2021, challenging the ballot initiative.[2] The lawsuit argues that the measure was unconstitutional and violates state and federal laws because NECEC has already received all necessary permits, and construction began earlier in 2021. The lawsuit asks the Superior Court to declare that the initiative was unlawful and unenforceable. In addition to Avangrid’s lawsuit, a spokesperson from Hydro-Québec said it is also exploring legal options in response to the ballot initiative.[3]

[1] https://www.pressherald.com/2021/11/02/statewide-and-town-by-town-maine-results-for-election-2021/

[2] https://www.necleanenergyconnect.org/necec-milestones/2021/11/3/necec-files-suit-challenging-constitutionality-of-question-1

[3] https://subscriber.politicopro.com/article/eenews/2021/11/04/1b-northeast-transmission-line-isnt-dead-developers-say-282803